What is the difference between group blogs and group forums?
When you join a group, you have access to both the group forum and the group blog. You may be confused as to what the purpose of each is:
A group forum is a written "conversation" between members of a group. For example, in a forum, one member posts a short question or comment on a topic of interest to the group. Other members then read the forum topic and then post a comment that contains an answer or an opinion on the subject. In essence, a forum is a way to garner several different thoughts on a given subject.
A group blog is a little different. Typically a blog is a medium by which one author posts his or her thoughts on a given subject. Like an essay, blog posts are typically longer (several paragraphs in length) and contain the established opinion of the author. The author can post several articles to his or her blog. Readers of the blog can sometimes comment on a blog posting if the author solicits comments or feedback. (The following article on the ABA's web site provides an additional description of blogs:http://www.abanet.org/tech/ltrc/fyidocs/fyiblogs.html.)
Participating in both blogs and forums is like having a discussion over a cup of coffee with a valued (and often opinionated) colleague. Both provide a great way to make new connections and build meaningful relationships without geographic limitations. When you contribute to a discussion, whether in a blog or a forum, it adds depth to your Connected profile. Each activity stays associated with you, appears on your profile page and gives others a chance to know more about you and your experience.
Kristi Kanter > Catherine M. GrossApril 6, 2015 6:03
What is the difference between group blogs and group forums?
When you join a group, you have access to both the group forum and the group blog. You may be confused as to what the purpose of each is:
Participating in both blogs and forums is like having a discussion over a cup of coffee with a valued (and often opinionated) colleague. Both provide a great way to make new connections and build meaningful relationships without geographic limitations. When you contribute to a discussion, whether in a blog or a forum, it adds depth to your Connected profile. Each activity stays associated with you, appears on your profile page and gives others a chance to know more about you and your experience.
Thank you Where did the information come from?